Media prices are falling, so advertising becomes more profitable. The combination of low prices on media and weak competition gives companies the opportunity to cheaply grab market share.
Search of staff is not an easy task. According to the departmental heads' of personnel management words, in order to find a personnel who will correspond to the relevant customer needs and requirements, it is necessary to carry out a great job.
Media prices are falling, so advertising becomes more profitable. The combination of low prices on media and weak competition gives companies the opportunity to cheaply grab market share.
For search and selection of necessary staff, a variety of means from the arsenal of psychological science is used : biographical questionnaires, standardized and non-standartized interviews, jobs, modelling work and situational exercises, tests on achievement, personality, intelligence and abilities, polygraphic examinations and much more.
We let our work speak for itself. Since January 2010, we’ve repaired over 25,000 devices, with a repair rate of 93.80%. We are currently seeing a yearly increase of between 20% to 30% repaired devices.
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ARB, OME, T-Max, Pedders, DBA
Garmin GPS, Garmin Watch, Thuraya